We love to share! But not your cooties ...

While we may be rounding the corner of Winter’s cold & flu season, it’s still important to stay vigilant in our health and hygiene practices!
As the number of Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases increases in the United States, using and sharing correct information is so important to mitigating any potential impacts in our community.
A couple (rote) steps we’d like to share that can build & support our community preparedness:

  1. Stay home if you’re not feeling well!
    We understand you don’t want to miss class, but we also don’t want to miss class because you shared your germs. If you’re not feeling well, it could be for any number of reasons. But first and foremost, please take care of yourself before any physical activity.
    If you have a package with us, we understand - you will not lose a class. Please communicate with your instructor if you are feeling sick.

  2. Cover coughs and sneezes. Immediately wash your hands after

  3. Wash hands with soap and water a minimum of 20 seconds (equivalent to singing yourself the Happy Birthday song 3 times) after using the bathroom; prior to eating; after coughing or sneezing

  4. Stay hydrated and well-rested. Whatever you do in your routine to help yourself stay healthy, keep at it :)

At this time, there are no vaccines or drug treatments for COVID-19. The means of transmission is still unclear. Currently, symptoms are described as “fever; cough; or shortness of breath.”

There are so many news sources available, so be sure to check your facts before sharing information that may be untrue. It is not a time to panic but rather stay informed and, again, vigilant.

We look forward to flying with you !